Friday, February 17, 2006

Ice Cube Sells Out

"Cube’s music was so affecting because it relentlessly questioned the sacred American themes of equality, opportunity, and progress. His most significant tracks were those that graphically detailed the manifold ways in which American society has failed to deliver on its oft-referenced ideals, particularly where young African-American men are concerned."
This article reminds us that everybody, and I mean everybody, has their price. Artists (even though I don't that anybody would have regarded Ice Cube as such) live to sell out. The shift from badass to Cosby has been gradual enough that we barely noticed, so that Ice Cube still has credibility in some circles, even if he shouldn't, really. He now has an image to uphold. The man who made Amerikkka's Most Wanted now has to be kid-friendly. It amounts to a bribing of radical leaders, it's as if Malcolm X or David Duke sold out to the highest bidder and started doing Pepsi commercials. Like or not America needs radical voices, on all sides, it's what makes America America. It's what separates the USA from the rest of the world.
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