Sunday, March 19, 2006

Charleston City Paper

The film critic in the Charleston City Paper writes that there are moments in The Hills Have Eyes where "new heights of imbecility must be scaled" by the characters in order to keep the plot going. Not really sure what he/she means exactly, and it's a capsule review so they don't have to explain what they mean.

On of the things that make the movie (or any movie, for that matter) entertaining is that there are no great leaps of imagination. It stays within the bounds of expected human behavior. The thing about movie critiquing is that when people (especially one's friends) start to talk in glowing terms about a movie, the instinct is to pan it. The solution is to not have any friends. Works for me.
First Nude

I remember the first nude woman I ever saw onscreen. It was in a movie called Sidney Sheldon's The Other Side of Midnight. It was also the first "realistic" depiction of sex I had ever seen. I was about 8 years old. I remember thinking that that could not have been a woman because her breasts were so small. It wasn't exactly a sexual experience for me, just sort of a milepost.

The first nude woman I had ever seen other than my mother was an English friend of my mom's who had red hair. I remember being surprised that pubic hair also came in "red". I was about 5 at the time. I know hat this has nothing to do with movies. Allow me to digress for a minute, dammit.