Sunday, February 12, 2006

Peter Sellers, The Pink Panther Movies, and the Slate's New Film Critic

"Not, mind you, because the original films are any good with the partial exception of the first one, The Pink Panther (1963), they hold up poorly to a second viewing. Blake Edwards is a clumsy, unintuitive director, and seen now, the old Panther movies feel leadenly paced, depressingly cynical, and full of disquieting racial and sexual stereotypes."
Without knowing anything about The Slate's new film critic Dana Stevens (taking Edelstein's place, apparently) let me hazard the guess that she is a girl. By "girl" I mean a female younger than me, and the word is meant entirely in the most sexist and derogatory sense. Her critiques are verbose and juvenile, revealing only that Ms Steven is an immature American brat ("American" not being an insult, I'm just telling you the nature of her brattishness). Yes, my assessment of her as a writer might seem personal and excessive, but for some reason I find her work offensive. Maybe we've met, but that's unlikely.  It has a little to do with why I disagree with her on the subject of the Pink Panther movies. I think that her opinions have to do with her generation, and it's general arrogance and poor taste. Mind you, she is right about Peter Sellers being a genius, but not about much else.
Pink Panther Movies (The ones with Sellers in them, none of the others are worth seeing):
 The Pink Panther (1963)
A Shot in the Dark (1964) 
 The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976) 
       aka "The Pink Panther Strikes Back" - USA (working title)
The Return of the Pink Panther (1975)
Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978) 
 aka "The Curse of the Pink Panther" - USA (working title)