Sunday, December 18, 2005
Ever notice how the women that guys like the character Steve Carell plays in the 40 Year-Old Virgin always end up with hot girls? Ever notice how these hot girls are always nice, smart people? Ever notice that they have little trouble meeting these girls? Ever notice how these girls always like them right away? It's not unlike the Billy Bob Thornton character in Bad Santa. Hollywood clearly is appealing to the dork/asshole market. Dorks and assholes need to know that they stand a shot at landing hot brunettes who will see through the thick layer of dorkiness and assholery. It's the same in commercials, there are lots of ads with ordinary looking guys married to hot women. I figure those guys must be rich and that alienates me. So it doesn't work is what I'm saying. I have met a total of one (1) woman in my life that I got to know and found her worth knowing and that didn't work out. It wasn't easy meeting her either.