Monday, January 23, 2006

Batman and Robin


Image hosting by PhotobucketBatman and Robin sucked because Joel Schumacher is gay and intent on making Baz Luhrmann-style musicals rather than an action movie. He has no idea how to direct a fight-scene, they all end up looking more like the old Batman and Robin TV series than like the tighter, explosive Tim Burton sequences. Goth oddball he may be, but Burton can pull of reasonable action scenes, the problem is that he only used a handful per movie. What the Batman Franchise needs is John Woo or John Mactiernan, somebody who knows how to make violent sequences balletic and real, not feeling like a West Side Story revival. Yes, the comic book could be ponderous and pretentiously talky sometimes, but occasionally the series would get an edge that no other mainstream comic book had. Real blood-and-guts storytelling. The movies have none of that, partly because the idea of a guy running around in a batsuit is easy to get over in the pages of a magazine, but hard to ignore when translated to real people. It looks stupid. You have to camp it up a bit to distract, or you could add some real R-rated bone-crunching and gunfire. Joel Schumacher did the easier one.

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Hollywood geishas infuriate Japanese and Chinese public


Hollywood geishas infuriate Japanese and Chinese public

GeishaThe national pride of Japan is hit hard as a new film by Rob Mashall Memoirs of a Geisha presents Japanese traditions in a very Americanized way.

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